A cold breeze sweeps past you

from a shadow you feel as if you are being watched

out steps a miqo'te, dawning a friendly smile


Name: Mish Fiore
Pronouns: They/Them
Gender: Nonbinary
Age: 24
Class: Reaper // Black Mage
Apperance: 5'7 and a lean build, they are well recognized by their black hair with dyed red tips and an extra fluffy tail. On the right side of their face is a large scar across a mismatched red eye that glints unusually in the light. Exposed arms and torso will also show an array of black ink tattoos.Summarized Bio
Mish is a mage cultivated from the legacy of Mhach. From a young age, they formed a pact with a voidsent and thus shares a body with them. Though they've been through hardships and struggles, often leading to poor choices, they've overcome many. Now they dedicate themselves to researching dark magick and the world of the Thirteenth.
Full Bio: Following the sixth calamity, several survivors who maintained their connection to being Black Mages went on to create the Miqo'te clan where Mish originated from. Originally, the clan hid from the world out of fear of being attacked for their use of dark magic. However, after the resurgence of the magic, they no longer have such fears. Those within the clan were still bound by strict restrictions that limited them from ever exploring.Mish eventually left their clan and became an adventurer with a group of strangers who quickly became their new family. This was short-lived however as a tragedy would would result in the death of everyone but Mish and one other.After this, they found themselves in an unknown land where they became entertainment for nobles and the rich. Here, they let their cares fade away in a mix of drugs and alcohol while working as a dancer for the wealthy. Part of them hated every moment dealing with the rich while the other part couldn't care less. In the end, they would do anything to sedate themselves.Eventually, after months, they would return to the lands they knew. Here, their habits remained unchanging. They would work in any shady venue they could find and do all they could to avoid mentally confronting their past. Night after night was the same for them until they realized they needed to change. They would eventually accept what they had done. They wanted to create a life for themselves, or at least find a reason to continue waking up.They've since buried themselves in personal work. Over the last couple years, they've delved into darker magicks. While their endless search for knowledge had led to their downfall more than once, they continue to press on. With determination, they plan to unravel the secrets of the Thirteenth and uncover the mysteries of their voidsent counterpart.

RP Hooks

Please reach out to me in advance if you are interested in any connectionsFrom The Void
There's something off about this Miqo'te. Their aether seems like that of The Source and yet there's a darkness to it.
A Brush of Aether
If you're sensitive to aether you may notice an odd current within a room where Mish is. It's as if the aether around them is being slowly circled through the room.
The Dark Scholar
They have a penchant for knowledge, often leading them down dark paths. Whether it be their studies into Black Magic, Voidsent, or the other dark lurking of the world, they are always kept busy.
21+ OnlyA Little Fun Never Hurt
It's not uncommon Mish finds themselves waking up next to someone after a night out at a club. Maybe you're strangers who hardly know each other's names or friends with benefits.
The Criminal
If your character is involved in crime, specifically dealing with drug-related activity. It's possible they've seen Mish around. Maybe they've worked together in the past or have had bad blood.


I'm Hollow, or Sebastian, a 24 year old artist with an addiction to making characters. My pronouns are they/them and I'm transmasc. While I'm newer to RP in FFXIV I have been RPing for over 12 years online. Outside of FF I can also be found on Twitter (@Holliism) where I post my art and (@HollowFFXIV) where I post FFXIV specific content.

RP Boundaries

A list of things I will not tolerate in RP. If you cross this list, I will terminate the RP immediatelyIf you are unsure about anything, please feel free to message me OOC and ask!- Any unwarranted advances toward my character without consent. This includes for violence, fighting, or any form of touch that is not something as simple as a light brush or a playful mess of the hair.
- While ERP has a place and time, I'm not very likely to write it unless it pertains to story and explores the character(s) involved. Most of the time, however, I will instead opt to fade to black.
- Extreme and realistic depictions or graphic interpretations of suicide and suicide idealizations.
- Certain depictions of heavy mutilation and extreme torture.
- No racism, homophobia, sexism, bigotry, etc. While I understand this is a fantasy world with fantasy racism, if it becomes about skin-tone or feels like a poor excuse to be a racist I will not RP with you.
- OOC and IC are two very separate things. Mish can be a bit of an asshole and not the kindest toward others. This does not at all reflect how I feel nor should you take it as reflecting me. In turn, I'll do the same for you.